It was 2020 during covid-19 lockdown. I was scrolling through my LinkedIn feed when I saw a post that discussed copywriting. So, my curious mind led me to seeking more information about copywriting.
Q3. What forms of copy do you write?
Email, sales letters and ad copy.
Q4. What are your favorite niches to write in?
I am a generalist. However, I prefer the health, personal development and Biz Opp niches.
Q5. What is the #1 lesson you've learned as a copywriter?
One word; empathy.
Q6. Who is your favorite copywriter & why?
Eugene Schwartz Because the way he passes his message across succinctly in his copy.
Q7. Do you have any recent wins to share?
I recently advised an offer owner whose last offer failed on what to do to improve her offer.
Q8. What would you say to a prospective client who wants to hire you?
Does your product deliver on its promise?
Q9. What is a good email address for prospective clients to contact you?