Interviews Beth Clark

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Q1. Where are you from?
Seattle, WA
Q2. How did you discover copywriting?
Honestly, I think I was born a writer…I still have the “books” I wrote in Montessori school when I was 4. Officially though, after graduating with an Advertising degree, my first job was at a small agency, and my first project was taking over the design of a high-end brochure for a luxury mountain lodge. There was already a copywriter in play – something I thought I didn’t want to be despite scoring in the top 1% of the SAT and opting out of English 101 and 102. (I took every writing class my university offered though.)
In reality, I found myself editing her work, and the client liked my version better. Ultimately, a disagreement over the infamously beloved Oxford comma led to me taking over both roles. From then on, I wrote all of my own copy and eventually claimed the title/made the shift. I’ve never looked back, though I did keep my subscription to Illustrator for a few years.
In reality, I found myself editing her work, and the client liked my version better. Ultimately, a disagreement over the infamously beloved Oxford comma led to me taking over both roles. From then on, I wrote all of my own copy and eventually claimed the title/made the shift. I’ve never looked back, though I did keep my subscription to Illustrator for a few years.
Q3. What forms of copy do you write?
I mostly write marketing content, social media, and website/landing page copy, plus blog and industry articles. I wrote a dating profile for a bulldog once.
Q4. What are your favorite niches to write in?
Nerdy science topics, digital health innovation, and the human condition.
Q5. What is the #1 lesson you've learned as a copywriter?
Hopes, dreams, and humor sell/convert. Also, research is king, so I am its queen. Sparking a connection is fun, but the idea generating, fact-gathering, and general grunt work that precedes the actual writing is generally the most important determiner of success.
Q6. Who is your favorite copywriter & why?
I’m old school…Leo Burnett. He was utterly brilliant, his philosophies are timeless, and he didn’t need KPIs to tell him an audience has a two-second attention span.
Q7. Do you have any recent wins to share?
I’ve had a lot of wins in my career, but I had the green light to use humor for a recent bioscience website project with 36 brand, category, and application pages, plus 200+ product ones, and I’m not gonna lie…the nerdy puns I infused serious scientific subject matter with were next level. And there were almost NO edits from the c-suite or product managers. The Force was with me. Also, my “Peeing in Italy” blog article has been read several thousand times, and that wasn’t even for work or something I promoted!
Q8. What would you say to a prospective client who wants to hire you?
At this point, I work on more of a contract basis, so A) I’m all yours, at least for 40ish hours a week; B) I get to know your company, products and services, and customer base in depth; and C) The voice I talk to your target audience with is authentic, which D) Makes them like you even more (and ups conversion).
Q9. What is a good email address for prospective clients to contact you?