Interviews Christopher smith

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Q1. Where are you from?

McKinney TX

Q2. How did you discover copywriting?

Looking through youtube videos about businesses to start in 2023

Q3. What forms of copy do you write?


Q4. What are your favorite niches to write in?

Food and tools

Q5. What is the #1 lesson you've learned as a copywriter?

If you try to connect with everyone you’ll connect to no one.

Q6. Who is your favorite copywriter & why?

Alex cattoni because she is who I learn from the most

Q7. Do you have any recent wins to share?

I started in march so for the most part I’m a beginner, but I’ve grown my instagram page to 82 followers in just a couple months

Q8. What would you say to a prospective client who wants to hire you?

I would love the opportunity to grow with you and help you with my skills

Q9. What is a good email address for prospective clients to contact you?

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