Interviews Davis Martin

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Q1. Where are you from?

New England

Q2. How did you discover copywriting?

Either I had to start copywriting or make $0 selling the financial publishing newsletter I launched in 2017!

Q3. What forms of copy do you write?

Email, VSL scripts, cold traffic ads, editorial, order form copy, upsells.

Q4. What are your favorite niches to write in?

Finance, affiliate marketing, direct response, emotional response, marketing.

Q5. What is the #1 lesson you've learned as a copywriter?

“Work hard because nothing else pays.” ~Grant Cardone

Q6. Who is your favorite copywriter & why?

David Ogilvy. Love how good he was at stimulating emotions/positioning/making plain products (soap) look world-class.

Q7. Do you have any recent wins to share?

Yes, an interview script (turned VSL) with the registration/warm up/sales emails/hard close that came with it.

Q8. What would you say to a prospective client who wants to hire you?

Trial me and if you don’t like me we can part ways.

Q9. What is a good email address for prospective clients to contact you?

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