Interviews Kevin M Hall

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Q1. Where are you from?
Rush, NY
Q2. How did you discover copywriting?
Heard Troy on a podcast and have been following him. This then led me to
Q3. What forms of copy do you write?
I write newsletter and books.
Q4. What are your favorite niches to write in?
memoir, history and spiritual.
Q5. What is the #1 lesson you've learned as a copywriter?
Writing in the INDIE world is one where you need to be multifaceted by having not only the task of writing, but also the tasks of marketing and promotion. You need to be broadly educated in many avenues of marketing approaches, marketing mediums, such as email marketing, running ads on social media and ordering sites such as Amazon, etc. There are many willing to help in this industry. Many of them are free such as Zoom sessions and YouTube tutorials. And there are also paid courses and seminars too. The statistics show that of those that want to write a book that less than 1% will actually accomplish it. There was a study done in 2002 and the results of that showed that out of 1000 people wanting to write a book, 8 would actually do it. That is .8% or .008. Additionally recent stats point to the fact that average writer will sell 250 or less copies of their book. These numbers are greatly approved by applying marketing and promotion techniques.
Q6. Who is your favorite copywriter & why?
For book writing I would look at Peggy Rowe and J. K. Rowling. Like many others they faced rejection after rejection from the traditional book publishers. However, with their reluctance to give up on themselves and their works, we have some great reads today. Looking back over time, I like Mark Twain and Jules Verne, as for modern-day writers, beyond those I already mentioned, I also like Thomas Sowell, and a number of INDIE authors.
Q7. Do you have any recent wins to share?
My first published book, Ilion My Childhood My Memories was the #1 book checked out of the Ilion Library for all of 2022, and the book was first released April of 2022. My first two books have consistently sold every month since their release, and I am near ready to release my third book. My first two books are what I call Memoir/History – that including my memoir and the history of the area I was living in. My third book titled: Signs – The Veil is Thinner Than we Imagine – is a more spiritual book, will have a broader appeal, and is targeting release by end of this year. I have been featured on several podcasts, one radio station and been to a few book signings. My books are available online (many sites), in historical societies, high schools and libraries for the areas I wrote about, and in one museum. My social media presence has garnered many followers, my personal website is operational, and I am now beginning to utilize Mailer Lite for email list generation. Because this is new for me, I am once again actively attending online courses and viewing several YouTube videos in order to educate myself.
Q8. What would you say to a prospective client who wants to hire you?
Being an author, a fairly new INDIE author at that, I have had my fair share of successes and failures. My offering to prospective clients is to assist them on their own journey of writing a book. Enabling them to learn quicker by providing them with the knowledge I have gained. To that end, I offer perspective writers several tips on my website. My goal is to update these and add to them monthly. Additionally, I will be offering a quarterly newsletter in the near future.
Q9. What is a good email address for prospective clients to contact you?