Interviews Lauren Tickner

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Q1. Where are you from?

Surrey, England

Q2. How did you discover copywriting?

I got into internet marketing by mistake. I never intending to build my own business or anything. I just wanted to create an online fitness community, because I was 16 or 17 years old and I was really into weightlifting, body building, and strength training. As a little kid I lost a bunch of weight really quick and I saw all these women posting fitness content back before that was really a thing and I knew no one else who did it then. That’s one of the things as well that I love about this whole online space. Everyone’s very into health and fitness and taking care of themselves. People who have seen my transformation from being overweight to now healthy and just loving fitness and integrating it into my lifestyle.

Q3. What forms of copy do you write?

I wrote all the chat scripts for my company, Impact School, and became a pro at closing high-ticket clients via DM.

Q4. What are your favorite niches to write in?

Fitness & Business Coaching

Q5. What is the #1 lesson you've learned as a copywriter?

Make sure you build assets for yourself – especially knowledge. If your business idea can be sustainable in the long term, use your skills like copywriting to build your own business. If all fails then the worst thing that can happen is you go back to a corporate job, and you can take time to try again later. Personally, I already had the job that most people wanted after university and I already had that without going. But I wanted more.

Q6. Who is your favorite copywriter & why?

Harlan Kilstein and John Carlton

Q7. Do you have any recent wins to share?

€105,000 generated in 1 day in the dms from an Impact School client who was only making €20k/month before working with us. Now she’s above 500k per month consistent.

Q8. What would you say to a prospective client who wants to hire you?

If you’re not where you want to be right now, you need to chat with someone who is where you want to be. And get help.

Q9. What is a good email address for prospective clients to contact you?

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