Interviews Robert Wittstock

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Q1. Where are you from?

Buckeye, AZ

Q2. How did you discover copywriting?

I’ve been selling in person and on the phone for 20 years and was always inspired by great magalogs, sales pages and emails. I naturally wanted to learn how to write well as a complementary skill.

Q3. What forms of copy do you write?

It doesn’t matter what form the copy is presented in as long as I believe in the product. Lately it’s been emails, short ads and a complete funnel.

Q4. What are your favorite niches to write in?

I love natural health supplements as I use them myself. Also, I have a big interest and experience in renewable energy such as solar and home energy backup systems. I also enjoy doing the investigative work to produce a Creative Brief and a Strategic Brief for any type of product.

Q5. What is the #1 lesson you've learned as a copywriter?

To be a great copywriter you need to connect with the emotions and thoughts of your target audience. That and actually giving a damn.

Q6. Who is your favorite copywriter & why?

My favorite copywriters are the ones who put you ‘in the moment’ and make you forget you’re reading something. Their writing is conversational, easily relatable and allow you to create a picture in your mind of the story they are telling. Gary Bencivenga, Clayton Makepeace, Pauline Longdon, Ron Lynch, Chris Haddad, and Justin Goff are on my short list.

Q7. Do you have any recent wins to share?

Converted YouTube and TikTok ads at 1.3%+ right out of the gate. Top 5 and top 10 in Copy Accelerator for a VSL and TSL.

Q8. What would you say to a prospective client who wants to hire you?

Where are you at now and where do you want to be in XX timeframe. Let’s have a conversation and determine how (and if) we can make that happen.

Q9. What is a good email address for prospective clients to contact you?

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